SMSC Policy

British Values Policy

Rights Respecting School

Cultural Capital

School Council – Cultural Capital


At Dean Field Primary School, we believe that the values of our school underpin the SMSC development of all learners. We recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. Therefore, we take a cross-curricular approach that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop SMSC so that they are prepared for life in diverse, modern Britain.

We have clear behaviour and reward systems that promote high standards of personal behaviour and teach children to take responsibility for their own actions. Our school values are rooted in our school code of conduct and our day to day practice so that we can create a positive, inclusive learning environment. The curriculum also provides children with various opportunities to increase their cultural awareness so that pupils appreciate diversity and richness of other cultures. Our curriculum overviews across school clearly state the SMSC link for each topic.

Even though our school values work in harmony with British Values, we also aim to actively promote British Values in our curriculum so that pupils are prepared for the future. Despite modelling values in everything we say and do, we explicitly discuss topics linked to the values in a weekly whole school assembly. We do this because we want children to debate and discuss modern day issues liked to mutual respect, individual liberty, the rule of law and democracy so that they understand the importance of them and build their inquisitiveness.