Governor Profiles

Doug Clark

I’m the Chair of Governors and have been serving on the board for the past 5 years. My role as chair is to lead the board ensuring it fulfils its function of being a ‘critical friend’ to the school.
My wife and I have 6 children, 5 of which are  – or have been – at Dean Field, so I am often around the school if you if you ever need a chat.

I’m the Pastor of Hope Church Halifax and have been serving in ministry for the past 10 years, both here in Halifax and in Worthing on the south coast. I got my degree in Theology in South Wales.

Laura Brambani

Hello, my name is Laura Brambani and I and thrilled to be a staff governor for Dean Field Community Primary School. I am the Deputy Head Teacher, year 1 class teacher, EYFS Lead and Curriculum Lead. I am Governor for Pupil Premium and I strongly believe that as a school, we must provide the very best outcomes for all of our children.


I have been in role as a Governor for the past year and I feel that through this role alongside my other school roles, I can really ensure that our children really do ‘Learn Without Limits’


Kelly Galtrey

My name is Kelly Galtrey and I am a Parent Governor for Dean Field. I have three children all of which have attended the school over the past eight years, currently I have one child in year 4. I have been involved with the Governing Body since 2016 and in this time seen a lot of changes within the school, all for the better.

I am currently the Safeguarding Governor which involves monitoring the school ensuring it remains a safe and inclusive environment for our children.
I think the most important part of my role is to represent the parent voice, which is a valued aspect within the Governing Body.

I love Dean Field and only want the very best for our children. The school has come a very long way and I am super proud of its achievements.
When not involved with school, I am kept very busy working full time for the NHS and I am a keen runner, often running around our local area to build up the miles.

Sarah Gledhill

I started as a Community Governor at Dean Field in 2023 and am enjoying the opportunity to learn more about how the school operates and to support the school in delivering the best possible education for their pupils.

I have two older children who previously attended Dean Field and a third child who is now in Year 1. There is a lot to learn as a first-time governor, but I hope that the skills I can bring from my employment and other volunteering roles will be helpful.

I believe it’s vital for everyone – children and staff – to feel safe, healthy and happy to enable them to do their best in school. I will be the Health and Safety lead on the Board of Governors and look forward to being able to make a difference in this area.

Lewis Hoyle

Hello, my name is Lewis Hoyle and I have worked in the Trust for over 9 years.

I am the assistant head teacher at Beech Hill School and this is my second year as the Finance Governor at Dean Field Community Primary School. I completed one of my teacher training placements at Dean Field and have worked closely with the school in recent years in helping to organise sports days and other cross-curricular events.

I have recently become a dad and love spending time with my daughter, my wife and dog Bruce. In my free time I enjoy going for walks, playing golf and running. I am a keen Leeds United fan and enjoy going to Elland Road on a weekend.

Katie Fudge

Hello! My name is Miss Katie Fudge and I was Deputy Headteacher of Dean Field Community Primary School for 4 years. Unfortunately, due to house relocation, I had to leave in 2023, but I was thrilled to still be able to be a part of the team. During my role at Dean Field I was curriculum lead, phonics lead and EYFS lead as well as the Reception class teacher and one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

I graduated from York St John University with QTS in 2012 and then I went on to complete my Master’s Degree in Childhood Studies and Early Years whilst teaching in Leicestershire. Throughout my career, I have continued my professional development and gained my NPQSL as well as being recognised by Inspiring Teachers for contributing to charity work in Uganda.

As well as my love for my career I also enjoy listening to music and travelling! I’m able to stay in contact with all the governing body, however, I’m sure I’ll be present on site in the near future too so if you happen to see me around Dean Field please introduce yourself and say hello!