EYFS Safeguarding

All staff in the EYFS follow the safeguarding procedures and policies as part of Dean Field Community Primary School.

All staff working in the EYFS are first aid trained with at least 2 members of staff having a paediatric first aid qualification. EYFS has their own first aid reporting format, which when necessary is shared with whole-school staff.

Miss Fudge (Reception Class Teacher and Deputy Headteacher and EYFS Co-ordinator) is a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and all staff are aware of reporting any and every safeguarding concerns.

Ratios are always accurate with 1:8 in Nursery at all times. The children and floor space ratio does not exceed and the environment is regularly risk assessed by staff, the EYFS lead and the premises officer. All areas are kept clean and tidy and the kitchen, toilets, sink areas and equipment are cleaned and activities (including water tray) are reset every day to ensure cleanliness and hygiene.

Children have daily access to fruit, milk, water and a bagel – this is on a self-service station which is monitored by staff.

Children take part in the NHS toothbrushing scheme every day to ensure the wellbeing of their oral hygiene. All staff are trained in this.

Staff attend home-visits to all new starters in Reception and Nursery and have ongoing links with all nursery providers/previous settings. We have strong links with Innovations (Sure Start Children’s Centre) to ensure all care and safeguarding procedures are known prior to starting at Dean Field.

Communication with parents/carers is efficient via the use of Seesaw messaging, the noticeboard, phone calls and face-to-face communication on arrival and drop off times.

Medication e.g. inhalers/creams have the correct paperwork filled in and they are stored in a safe and secure place with the correct staff administering them when necessary – also reporting this to parents.

Both sets of toilets are within the setting, staff can be seen at all times when supporting children with toileting and changing.

Mobile phones are locked away during class times.

Spare clothes including coats and overalls for outdoor use are available in case children attend school without one.

An attendance chart is used to monitor attendance in both Nursery and Reception classes and reasons for absence are followed up every time, resulting in communications with the school pastoral worker if necessary.

Safeguarding in the EYFS is paramount as young children can be the most vulnerable, therefore any slight concerns are immediately addressed.