Risk Assessment
Remote Learning
Please see our separate tab for our remote learning expectations. Weekly timetables for each year group have been posted on each class Seesaw page. If you require a paper work in place or in addition to the Seesaw work set each day please contact your child’s class teacher.
Home working & useful links
Coronavirus Letter
Coronavirus Safeguarding Policy
Any useful links for Mental Health and home learning are on this page
Do you have concerned or overwhelmed children because of the news around coronavirus (COVID-19), if so it is understandable, especially if they are struggling with their mental health or have a physical illness.
Jigsaw Family Learning
Calderdale Healthy Futures: Covid 19 resources
(you may need to copy and paste some links)
As a Trust we are making our decisions based on these sources:
1. Government website
2. Public Health England
3. NHS PHONE: 111
4. World Health Organisation
Coronavirus Information Poster
Below are some facts shared by the Government, and how as a Trust we are responding at this stage
Remember, your child may worry – we will reassure them and ask you to do the same
Give them time to ask you questions If you would like support, let us know and we can help
If you sneeze or cough remember, CATCH IT, KILL IT, BIN IT and wash your hands regularly, and avoid touching your face
Please do NOT forward information via WhatsApp or Facebook etc which could cause a panic or be factually incorrect. Please refer to the four sources of information. If you have concerns or are not sure, please speak to a leader at the academy.
Above all else, keep the lines of communication open. Talk to leaders if you are worried or have any questions.
1. Information about the virus
The following symptoms may develop in the 14 days after exposure to someone who has COVID-19
infection – it mainly affects the elderly and those with asthma or similar conditions, but rarely children
so far:
– cough
– difficulty in breathing
– fever
2. How COVID-19 is spread
There are 2 routes by which people could become infected:
– coughing or sneezing close towards someone
– possibly by touching a surface or object that has been contaminated
There is currently no good evidence that people who do not have symptoms are infectious to others.
3. Preventing spread of infection
There are general principles anyone can follow to help prevent the spread of viruses, including:
– washing your hands often – with soap and water, or use alcohol sanitiser if handwashing facilities are not available. This is particularly important after taking public transport and if you touch your face
– covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in a bin
– children or adults who feel unwell should stay at home and should not attend work or anyeducation or childcare setting
– if you are worried about your symptoms or those of a child or colleague, please call NHS 111. Do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment
To help our children and build on work already done by teachers over the last week, we have the recommended lessons plans from the government, plus additional ideas including an adapted version of the “Baby Shark” song to remind children on how to be healthy!
You will also see posters around the school reminding everyone about being healthy and good hygiene.
Some of the videos we will be using in school to teach children about about hygiene are below.
Face masks for the general public, children, or staff are not recommended to protect from infection, as there is no evidence of benefit from their use outside healthcare environments. Washing hands DOES make a difference!
4. What to do if children become unwell and believe they have been exposed to COVID-19
Call NHS 111, or 999 in an emergency (if they are seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk), and if appropriate, explain which country they have returned from in the last 14 days. You can do this on their behalf if this is easier. The guidance states to isolate them as soon as possible.
If your child shows symptoms, we will need to isolate them until you arrive – please be prompt as they will need their parent/carer. We will take as much care as we can of them, as well as protecting the other children.
If your child is feeling ill showing the symptom, do NOT send them to school.
We will liaise with Public Health England if the situation changes and follow advice.
KS2: Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Hygiene
5. What to do if a case of COVID-19 is confirmed at our academy
We will work with the local Public Health England Health Protection Team to discuss the case, identify people who have been in contact with them and advise on any actions or precautions that should be taken.
An assessment will be undertaken by the Health Protection Team with academy leaders. Once advice is received, we will make the decision that we feel is best for all the children.
There is further information on the government website if you want to know more.
Let’s keep calm for our children and each other, keep referring to verified facts and talk to each other if we are unsure.