October Half Term Holiday Club

During the half term, the holiday club had an exciting time doing lots of fun activities including going to the National Media Museum in Bradford, which gave the children the opportunity to use various forms of public transport.

We received feedback from the staff at the museum and the train staff which was all very positive and complimentary on our children’s behaviour overall.


We also took a trip to Beechwood Park, allowing the children to learn about their surrounding area, road safety and giving them the opportunity to have a nice long walk down, which we even managed to avoid the rain in October!

To finish the holiday club this time round, on the last day we celebrated Halloween by having our own Halloween party. The children made their own buns, which they individually decorated and even made the decorations for the party! The children really enjoyed the games that we played, dancing, fancy dress and giving the children lots of ways to win prizes. Lots of fun was had by everyone including the adults!