At Dean Field we use ‘Must Knows’ to help develop children’s knowledge and to supplement the learning which will be taking part in the classroom. At the start of every new half term, children will bring home four documents called ‘Must Knows’. These documents contain the essential knowledge that children will need to know as part of the new unit they will be studying in class for Maths, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG), Science and Topic (Geography/History).
These Must Knows are designed to be used at home by parents to help children learn the information contained within them. We want every pupil to be able to recall the facts given on the sheet but also to research further into the different bits of information provided. We are confident that these Must Knows will help our children to develop knowledge on a wide range of topics and will significantly improve their vocabulary.
We also use Must Knows to support learning in PE, Art, Music, D&T, Computing and RE. All year groups have a Must Know for each of these subjects that highlights the key knowledge, vocabulary and skills they will learn over the year. Children use the Must Knows during lessons and at home to help them recap previous learning. We are currently working on producing Must Knows for French too.
The best way to use the Must Knows at home is as follows –
- With an adult, children are to read the vocabulary and definitions, have these definitions explained further or look on the internet for examples.
- Keep recapping the vocabulary and their definitions as revision.
- Research key facts and diagrams on the Must Knows either on the internet or in the local library.
- It is also important to keep referring back to the information on the Must Knows so that your child can explain what they have learnt in school. This also keeps it fresh in the memory and supports knowledge retention. In turn, will make them more confident in class, help them learn more and remember more as well as develop their reading and writing skills.
All Must Knows will be made available on the school website and on Seesaw too. If you have any further questions about this, please talk to your child’s class teacher.
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Year 1
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Year 6
Year 1
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Year 1
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Year 1
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Year 6